Friday, January 11, 2008

Struggling today

It is dark and raining here today, in fact its miserable - maybe that is reflected in my mood - not maybe - it is!
I have lost my mojo today. I am trying to think of an art piece for a CJ related to a tree stamp. The CJ is quite stylised - dark - so it needs to be in keeping.
Some days its so hard to be creative - do you find that? I scour the net for ideas and inspiration, read magazines, look at gallerys, and still nothing comes to mind. I have seeds, but I can't seem to develop them, and no picture comes to mind....
Oh well, I might leave it till tomorrow - hopefully my creativity will spring into action and I will produce a masterpiece(fat chance lol)!! My work does seem to be quite restrained - its as if I am frightened of making a mistake - I really have to loosen up and PLAY! Let go! Relax!
Maybe tomorrow.....................

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